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Netflix&039s Stuck Together Review: Hilarious Medley of 7 families in a Crisis

Stuck together movie review

Video Stuck together movie review

For those who don’t know from the title, Stuck Together is a Parisian comedy. as light as the film’s tone is, it’s a refreshing take on the havoc wrought during the pandemic. families are all from different walks of life, and each of them has their issues to deal with. some are more equipped to handle a crisis than others.

the pasted review does not contain spoilers

stick together has an amazing cast

The film features several recognizable faces of French cinema. the film is a cute allegory of how life has been since the pandemic. director dany boon has done an outstanding job bringing together a fantastic cast to bring this story to life. Some of the actors listed include Yvan Attal, François Damiens, Laurence Arné, Liliane Rovere, Elie Semoun, and Jorge Calvo.

There are also some newbies who hold their own against industry veterans.

Netflix's Stuck Together Review: Hilarious Medley of 7 families in a Crisis

Interestingly enough, some of the cast members play characters who you’re not always going to agree with. While most of the characters’ flaws are reasonable given their circumstances, it’s not always easy watching them. They have many different ideologies and values.

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A pandemic strikes and standing together takes on new meaning

one of the best things about being together is that it does not avoid showing that they do not always get along, even if they are neighbors or friends. the film is interested in how people’s perceptions change with a crisis and how people grow apart under the strain of being together for so long. the cast can show a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, anger and vice versa. they also have great chemistry with each other, which makes them feel like they’ve been stuck in this situation together for a long time before the movie even came out.

Netflix's Stuck Together Review: Hilarious Medley of 7 families in a Crisis

Despite the pandemic, the characters never lost hope. They had to make some sacrifices along the way, like putting their lives on hold, but they learned some valuable lessons about themselves and each other. If the virus had never happened, they would’ve never understood these things.

the characters were scared but not hopeless. We all go through times when we feel like we’re against each other, but there’s always a bright light at the end of the tunnel, even in the worst situations.

revealed: together is a portrait of diverse emotions

This film showed us how different our reactions can be when we are afraid. it also showed us how important it is to have someone there to help you through your crisis when no one else is around.

what does it take for a diverse group of people to come together and overcome their differences?

glued together was a lovely movie. Although it is a deadly virus, the story has many ups and downs, which makes it enjoyable to watch. when you have kids watching these kinds of movies, it’s great to have something they can watch that makes them laugh and entertain them.

Netflix's Stuck Together Review: Hilarious Medley of 7 families in a Crisis

This movie is funny because these people have to deal with something no one would ever want to deal with. But they all face it like adults and remain positive even though they know there’s a good chance they’ll never get out of the building alive. The acting in this movie is pretty good for what it is, and you’ll enjoy seeing how some people step up when others start falling apart.

There’s a lot of action and humor throughout the movie, and you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat, wondering what’s going to happen next. you’ll see how some people handle it better than others and you’ll see how some people don’t think things through before taking action that could end with their death.

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Humor at its peak: united is the best of Parisian comedy

For the most part, Stuck Together is a comedy, but it does offer some action. some of the characters are understandably upset about the lockdown and trying to find ways out; others see it as an opportunity to advance their agendas.

The performances are a bit hit and miss, but overall, they’re pretty solid. the chemistry between the group is also excellent, each character has a different personality and sense of humor.

Netflix's Stuck Together Review: Hilarious Medley of 7 families in a Crisis

The real story is the group of strangers and their interactions, and Netflix does an excellent job of making it feel like you’re watching a movie with an ensemble cast.

transmit it or skip it?

However, the idea of ​​dealing with this catastrophe by staying in your own home is intriguing. after all, there are some situations where you just have to hunker down and take it, no matter how bad things get.

But then again, I don’t think that’s really what sticking together is all about. It’s more of a character study. how people react to this situation is what makes this movie interesting. do they unite or separate?

we are all connected by the same things. It’s not always easy to see how, but it’s true. our differences do not make us more extreme; they make us more alike.

glued together is streaming on netflix.

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