Reviews film

The American Dream Movie 2022 Review – Illogical Thriller

The american dream telugu movie review

Video The american dream telugu movie review

The American Dream Movie ReviewBOTTOM LINE Illogical Thriller

our rating 2/5

censor 1h 53m, ‘u/a’ certificate.

what is the movie about? rahul (prince) is your typical lower middle class guy who has nothing going for him. his girlfriend breaks up with him and his father is angry. It’s all because he wants to go to America and earn money.

Rahul’s world comes crashing down when nothing works for him too after leaving for the US. In an unexpected situation, Rahul meets Riya Varma (Neha Krishna), and his life takes an unexpected turn afterwards. what happens to rahul and his ambition to earn enough money is the general plot of the movie.

performances the character of rahul offers three different nuances to the prince as an actor. he is fine as the typical young and average guy who struggles with the kind of job they give him in the states. the alley is well done for him. problems arise where there is a dramatic twist in the part. Prince strives to be subtle, but lacks the conviction and intensity to pull it off. he could have been done more convincingly.

analysis the american dream is a catchy title for the telugu youth, and so is the theme. he is instantly identifiable with a large majority. director dr vighnesh kaushik therefore has the right content in his hands to make a captivating drama. however, he has other plans.

The first hour of the film deals with the struggles of young people who plan to go to the United States for the sole purpose of earning money. He believes that going to the United States will solve all his problems without knowing the reality and blindly trusting his friend.

The entire stretch where Rahul’s dream comes crashing down, his helplessness and frustration make the American dream and the drama intertwined, even if it’s predictable. some movies have shown it in the past, more like a comedy.

However, things take an unexpected and drastic turn after a point. initially, one goes with the flow, but the entire narrative turns into a thriller as more of the plot is revealed. the change in tone and, subsequently, the handling of the portions leave a lot to be desired.

The previous dramatic parts were handled in a similar way, but the relatable emotions related to the drama took care of the problem. but, when it takes the thriller twist, the same problems become apparent and give the impression of being an amateur cinema.

The final half-hour stretch ends with an unexpected twist. it’s fine on paper, but the clumsy way it’s executed makes it seem counterintuitive. The whole thing should have had more details. some sequences are too unlikely to be believed. if the same thing had been done more clearly and without haste, the American dream would have achieved its goal.

In general, the American dream is a movie with two different halves. one is full drama, while the other is a thriller. some parts may appeal to some, but overall it fails to create the right impact. Give it a try if you want to see something different, but have very low expectations.

others? neha krishna playing the female lead is fine in the typical romantic parts that don’t require her to act. she is also passable in some emotional moments where she feels bad about a mistake made in the past. however, she fails in the crucial parts of the thriller. subhaleka sudhakar does her usual somber serious father routine and it’s fine. the rest of the actors are rookies with no experience, and it shows.

music and other departments? the entire film feels like an extended short film. it is acceptable considering the low budget, resources as long as the story (content) is strong. but, when it is weak, they become evident, like the American dream. abhinay tj’s music is the best of all among the technical departments. The cinematography is terrible in the Indian portions (Abhiraj Nair), while it is comparatively better in the American segment (performed by Adam Chapman). the sasank vupputuri edition should have been better in the final hour.

highlights? simple and relatable story (at the beginning)


thriller setup

disadvantages? illogical pieces

bad execution

acting in crucial scenes

alternative take introducing the suspense element earlier without the tricky beginning would be a novelty. the second option could be a back-and-forth narrative, taking into account the cliffhanger reveal.

Did I enjoy it? yes, in parts

Would you recommend it?

yes, but with great reservations

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