
How Many After Movies Are There? The Lowdown On The Future Of The Film Series – Capital

What movie was before after we collided

27 October 2021, 16:53 | Updated: October 27, 2021, 4:55 PM

hardin scott and tessa young’s relationship will be further developed throughout the rest of the subsequent movie series – here’s the info on the upcoming movies.

Just days after the release of After We Fall in the UK, it seems fans are already eager to see where the world will take Hardin Scott (hero Fiennes Tiffin) and Tessa Young (Josephine Langford).


The first subsequent film was released in 2019, and the second, After We Collided, was released last year.

fans of later movies will already know that the film franchise is based on the anna todd books of the same name, which became a worldwide hit.

how old are hardin and tessa after we fell?

but how many subsequent movies will there be in total?

Here’s the lowdown on the upcoming movies and what we know about them so far…

The first After movie dropped in 2019

The first After movie dropped in 2019. Picture: Voltage Pictures
After We Fell is the third instalment to the movie series
After We Fell is the third instalment to the movie series. Picture: Voltage Pictures

How many After movies will there be?

Castille Landon, who is the director of After We Fall and the upcoming installment, After Ever Happy, confirmed earlier this year that fans can expect not one, but two more movies in the post verse!


In case you lost count, that means there will be a total of six movies to delve into Hardin and Tessa’s romance.

there are five books in total: after, after colliding, after falling, after always happy and before.

*warning: spoilers ahead!*

The After prequel, Before, will be based on Hardin's life before Tessa

The After prequel, Before, will be based on Hardin’s life before Tessa. Picture: Voltage Pictures
Hero and Josephine won't reprise their roles as Hardin and Tessa in After 5 & 6
Hero and Josephine won’t reprise their roles as Hardin and Tessa in After 5 & 6. Picture: Alamy
Another 3 movies will drop in the After series
Another 3 movies will drop in the After series. Picture: Voltage Pictures

After We Fell and After Ever Happy were both filmed back-to-back last year, meaning the production for the fourth instalment has wrapped already, and we can hopefully expect it to drop at some point next year.

Meanwhile, the next two movies will see a different story than we’ve been used to so far, and we won’t see hero and josephine reprising their roles as hardin and tessa.

this is because one of the confirmed movies will be loosely based on anna todd’s previous novel, which is hardin’s perspective when he was younger, before he met tessa, which means a shorter version will be chosen young of him.

The sixth film to be released will be next generation and will follow Hardin and Tessa’s children, Emery and Auden, as well as their cousin Addy.

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