
What space movie came out in 1993

What space movie is from 1993

The Alien Intruder is a space movie that was released in 1993. It features a species of aliens with armor instead of skin and superhuman abilities. the alien species that captures the crew is called the murmansk. their physiology is different from humans because they have armor instead of skin and have superhuman abilities. their bodies are immune to pain and can run up to 30 mph.

Alien Intruder, an American low-budget science fiction film, released in 1993. Directed by Ricardo Jacques Gale, the film stars Billy Dee Williams as Commander Skyler, a man assigned to save a stranded ship. he discovers the aliens’ arrival when a convict is given access to a virtual reality world for a weekend.

This film is far from the first time this science fiction film has been seen. The film is a direct-to-VHS release produced by PM Entertainment Group, the largest producer of modern B-movies.

space movie 1993

the alien intruder is the best space movie that was released in 1993. It begins with an elite fighter pilot chosen to fly on a mission that protects the galaxy from the threat of these aliens.

the alien intruder is a space adventure movie that was released in 1993. it is about an alien species that has taken over the earth. the elite fighter pilot has chosen to fly on a mission to protect the galaxy from them. these aliens can communicate telepathically and are led by one who is more powerful than any other.

The leader of the alien species has given all of his soldiers the ability to mentally communicate over long distances, which turns out to be a worrying development for our hero. at one point in the film, the leader of the alien species has given all of his soldiers the ability to mentally communicate over long distances, which turns out to be a worrying development for our hero.

The hero of the film must figure out how to defeat the aliens, who have the advantage that they are much stronger and smarter than humans. the hero comes up with a plan to use this new power against them by sending his men on suicide missions without his knowledge or consent. If you’re looking for a fun space movie with great action scenes and an interesting plot twist, check out Alien Intruder.

1993 alien intruder space movie

alien intruder is a science fiction movie released in 1993 and got a good rating from the audience. The movie was a big hit but the reason behind it was that it was a sci-fi movie released in 1993. There were no movies with such special effects at that time so it appealed to the audience. The cast of the Alien Intruder movie included Jeremy London, Morgan Weisser, and Tracy Griffith.

The film begins with the crew of a mysterious spaceship. one crew member is insane and stalks his prey through identical hallways, killing them with a laser and love. the maniac is so obsessed with preying on him that he even shows her femme fatale face on an 8-bit screen. the crew member is a mad scientist, so the whole movie is a horror story.

The film was a space adventure starring Billy Dee Williams as an astronaut captain and a virtual reality alien. at the time, the producers predicted the advancement of space travel and laser weapons by 2022, but it’s clear that things haven’t changed much since the filmmakers made the movie.

Alien Intruder’s premise was original, but the film derived from all the other sci-fi thrillers of the 1990s. The film also features a mortal seductress as its main antagonist. while this is not the most original plot, it is the most compelling aspect of the film. will keep you watching the entire movie. if you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing a lot.

star cast of alien intruder 1993

the star cast of alien intruder are:

  • dorman (jeff conaway)
  • ariel (tracy scoggins)
  • commander skyler (billy dee williams)
  • nick (maxwell caulfield)
  • d.j. (richard cody)
  • peter (stephen davies)
  • lloyd (gary roberts)

alien intruder hit or miss

  • Alien Intruder is a 1993 American independent science fiction film starring Billy Dee Williams. the direction of the film is also good. the imdb rating of this movie is quite low, 3.2/10
  • the story begins with criminals being transported to a maximum security prison located on the moon. but the ship is invaded by an alien creature that kills everyone except one man. this lone survivor manages to land the ship on a nearby planet, but has no recollection of who he is or what happened due to the crash. he eventually befriends a young woman who also lives alone, and they become lovers as they try to unravel the mystery behind recent events and why they are on this planet in the first place.

While the unique premise of the alien intruder isn’t the film’s greatest strength, it does stand out from other space movies in a few key ways. the film is largely predictable, with the viewer always one step ahead of the characters. and the seductive, dangerous seductress who is the main antagonist is a familiar staple. But the film’s main strengths are its inventive use of VR technology and its strong cast of actors.

final words

the film of an alien intruder takes place in a deep space station (prometheus), which orbits around the planet sigma draconis. crew members are ordered to study the alien. still, when the life form escapes, the crew must take it back to the lab to study it. It’s the same setting as the first two alien movies, except the alien possesses the ability to change the world around him.

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